Turning pixels to reality
My name is Rebecka, and I'm a Swedish cosplayer/costume creator. I've been creating cosplay and costumes since 2008, with my primary choice of cosplay being characters from games. My main focus has been to compete, and over the years I have won several awards. I have also attended international events such as Gamescom, and Pixelmania2019. Below you will find my full story, unabridged, from the beginning.

Santos Fotografia Cosplay

Allion Photography

Allion Photography

Santos Fotografia Cosplay
How it all began
My costuming journey started in 2008 when I made my first cosplay. I picked the classic Night Elf design from World of Warcraft to wear for the release of the upcoming expansion "Wrath of the Lich King". At the time I didn't even know that it was called cosplay or that there was such a big community for it already. However, going to the release party and meeting others with this hobby and bringing home the 1st place in their competition awakened my desire to do more. Around this time I also started LARPing (Live Action RolePlay) and spent most of my time making original characters. In 2010 I made another WoW cosplay, the Blood Elf seen on the loading screen for Eastern Kingdoms at the time. For the release party of Cataclysm I placed 2nd in the competition.

The 2012-2015 era
In 2012 I decided to take my cosplay to the next level and made Ysera from WoW. This cosplay was intended to be used for the release of Mists of Pandaria, but I also made up my mind to try the SCC (Swedish Cosplay Championship) qualifier that year. The SCC was, and is still the highest ranked National competition (SM). To my great surprise and joy I won, and qualified as one of the 10 participants for SCC. This marked my great step into the Swedish cosplay community. For the SCC held in 2014Â I made Riftwalker from Heroes of Newerth. This was my first time up on stage making a proper performance. The level of the competition was like nothing I had ever seen before, and left me with many great memories and experiences. In 2014 my competition bonanza began, with me attending basically every competition I was able to. I also managed to score a spot again in the SCC. My participation in the SCC 2015 was and still is my greatest setback to this day, but I count it as a learning experience. The Charr from Guild Wars 2. Unfortunately I was too unfamiliar with the techniques and gave myself too little time and a much too pressured budget to present a proper costume.


Shila Vikström Photography

2015 to present
Despite setbacks and varying results in competitions, I kept at it with both cosplay and LARP. Cosplay gradually turned into my main focus for costuming. In 2019 I won the SCC qualifier held at ComicCon Gothenburg with Tyrande, which leads us to my most recent competition - The SCC 2020 held at Närcon Winter. For this competition I made Sylvanas Windrunner from WoW. Over all these years I have also traveled and participated in international events, and found that a very important part to me about cosplay is not only competing, but having photoshoots and spending time with friends.

Robert Johannesson Photography

Robert Johannesson Photography

Lovisa Andersson

Robert Johannesson Photography
Cronological list of all awards
* 1st place at the cosplay contest at the WoTLK launch at Webhallen, Stockholm 2008
* 2nd place at the cosplay contest at the Cataclysm launch at Webhallen, Stockholm 2010
* 1st place at the cosplay contest at the MoP launch at Webhallen, Stockholm 2012
* 1st place at the cosplay contest at Gamex, Stockholm 2012 (this also awarded me with a spot for competing in the Swedish Cosplay Championship)
* Kamui's favourite (Judge's favourite) at Dreamhack Summer 2014
* Win via Golden Ticket/CMV entry to the Swedish Cosplay Championship 2015
* Feature in Kotaku with Wander/SoTC photoset spring 2015
* Best Craftmanship at NärCon Vinter 2016, master tier
* 2nd place at ComicCon Stockholm 2017, SCC qualifier competition
* 1st place at DreamHack Summer 2018 Cosplay Championship
* 1st place at Steelseries cosplay competition at DreamHack Winter 2018
* 2nd place at Steelseries cosplay competition at DreamHack Summer 2019
* 1st place at ComicCon Gothenburg SCC Qualifier competition 2019
* 3rd place Best in Show at DreamHack Beyond x Iconic 2021 (watch my video here!)
* 2nd place Elgiganten Expo contest at DreamHack Summer 2022
* 1st place Confusion/Kulturkalaset Gothenburg SCC Qualifier 2023


Steelseries at DHW2018

